Saturday, May 10, 2014

Flying Above

Crazy! Yes, crazy! Time is flying and I can't seem to catch a break! Now it's Saturday and I still can't figure out how it is that yesterday was Sunday night and today I wake up to Saturday morning. At least it's the weekend, but it is Mother's Day weekend so I guess I'm not completely out of the woods yet. Later today, I expect loads of shopping for the perfect gifts, picking out the right outfits, and who could forget taking a selfie!!! Yes! So I guess I'm not off the hook yet, but I suppose I will take this day with a grain of sand, making the most of my time and breathing in and out when I feel like I'm losing it.

Based on past experiences, when I know I need to get something done I usually procrastinate, but in the end I press on until I get it done. But I know that this is life and something small could happen that could threaten my good moods, sabotage my peace, and bring on the anxiety. So what do I do? Phillipians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything..." And here comes my breathing in and out and counting to 10. So with that verse in mind, get ready to enjoy the day and press on.

Friday, May 2, 2014


There's something about compliments that just boosts people up, especially when they're least expected.

Earlier today I was waiting in line at Walmart for my turn. I was minding my own business, lost in my own thoughts, when all of a sudden, I was brought back to the present time by a man's voice. "I like your haircut." he said. "My hair?" I replied in confusion. "Yes, its very cute. I saw you coming over and I thought 'how cute.''' Surprisingly, I felt my spirits lift in a second. That simple compliment really did cheer me up, even though I wasn't upset to begin with.

With that simple, random act of kindness, I was reminded that kindness and compliments go way deeper than perceived. Sometimes that's all people really need, a positive, encouraging word. So from now on I have to make a conscious effort to not only, think that someone looks nice, smells nice, or has an amazing talent, but I will make them know it. Let us be our mutual encouragers.
Let us be the light of the world that we are called to be, and random acts of kindness are just the beginning.